The sightings listed below refer to Raoul Wallenberg’s presence in Moscow prisons, safe houses and/or psychiatric facilities.  It also includes Camp 27 Krasnogorsk and Sukhanova Prisons as there was frequent traffic between these sites and the Lubyanka/Lefortovo/Butyrka complex.  Since it is known that Wallenberg was held in Lubyanka and Lefortovo Prisons, those listed are only those which contradict the Russian/Soviet claims.  These claims refer to the death date of July 17, 1947 put forth by the Gromyko Memorandum, Wallenberg’s returned prisoner of war card and registries shown the Swedish-Russian Working Group by the Russian archivists which establish that Wallenberg entered Lubyanka Prison February 6, 1945 when he was first brought from Hungary, was transferred to Lefortovo on May 25/26, 1945, and sent back to Lubyanka on February 28, 1947 (registered as March 1, 1947).







Karl Kosch




Martin Weihs



1945 ++

Klaus Dietrich




E.P. Hille/af Sandeberg




Michael Demesco


Swede in the 4th Directorate; under special number and another, Russian, name.”[1]




Together with several Swedes and Danes in a ‘collection cell.’

Spring 1947

Boris Solovov


Materials regarding Prisoner Number 7 to be sent to Gertsovsky in Archives;”[2]

July 1947

V.V. Shulgin/Hochli


(Allegedly transported together).

October 1947

Willi Roedl

En route Camp 27

RW’s long term cellmate died. death reported to Mironov and Kartashov who made arrangements for disposal of the body. [3]

Xmas 1947

General Hilmar Moser


Learned from guard that there were three prisoners held in isolation on his floor – a Swedish and Bulgarian diplomat and a British intelligence man.

End of 1947

Roland Gottlieb


Heard from female prisoners on floor below Cell 116 that Wallenberg held there at that time.

End 1947-Early 1948



“Legationsrat Wallenberg” his cellmate; received sentenced while in cell and refused to sign.”

Christmas 1947



Claims to have met RW who said he was a diplomat being held on spy charges. Appeared healthy but depressed because he had not yet been sentenced and his situation seemed most uncertain.[4]


Professor Grigorievsky and T.von Beck


Claimed to have been cellmate of RW and that Abakumov had specifically appointed Rasspinsky to interrogate him, gave him a free hand in the type of interrogation. Stated that RW became ‘strictly isolated’ as of August 1946 and was physically then very depleted.


J. Boehm


Through knocking contact from a cell directly below, learned that Raoul Wallenberg was in the Women’s section. (See Gottlieb above)


V. Olschrov and G. Stein

Moscow prison that had previously been a garrison. [5]

Met a young Swede named Raoul in Moscow and again in Siberia in 1953.




Severely interrogated, poor physical condition. Simon,Kati told Zad that RW shouted his name when they took him away.


S. A. Stepanov, Foreign Ministry of Sweden


Raoul Wallenberg under alias of Franz Joseph Berngard of Sweden or Franz Yakovlevich Berngardt.

Feb-July 1948

Froma F. Sherenetz


Man seen in corridor identified by another party as ‘Swedish diplomat.”

Before May 3, 1948

H. Styler/Bergemann


Met RW in bath, spoke briefly.


K.M.Leuwenhaupt, De Latry


[Swede in Lefortovo][6]Courier arrested en route Swedish Embassy in Berlin.


Kurt Deutschbein

Camp 27

In addition to Dietrich, in December 1949 met Akleron, former Greek counsel in Berlin, who spent many years in Camp 27.  Shortly before being with Deutschbein, he had been with a Swedish diplomat, name forgotten.  This Swede was sentenced in abstentia and taken from Camp 27 Krasnogorsk very abruptly. Dane Hans Dirchsen also would have information on the Swedish diplomat.


“AVO” Source


Wallenberg, allegedly interrogated by Beria. (See also Remenyi).


Otto Schoggl


Claimed that Wallenberg told him when they met in Vladimir that another Swede had been placed in his cell – realized too late that he was an NKVD agent. [7]

Early 1948 until early 1948.[8]

Claudio Di Mohr


Upon his release Di Mohr stated to a Polish woman at a cocktail party that he had knocking contact with Wallenberg from April 1945

Winter 1949

Gerhardt Schmidt


Frequently interrogated, in poor condition, worried about safety of the Swedish King.

Spring 1949

K. Ziegler/Kraemer


Wallenberg had started two hunger strikes for about 15 days each. Each time had been fed forcibly.

April 1949

Karl Fisher

Lubyanka, Cell 25, 4th Floor

A Swede in a cell together with many others.

Nov 1949

Taenzer, H.

Lefortovo, Transit Cell

Approached by a man with a soft German accent who said he was Swedish, had been in isolation for some years, worked for the Swedish Legation in Budapest, had placed him-self under the protection of Soviets, had in his possession certain ‘lists’ at the time of his arrest. Soviets did not believe he was Swedish.[9]

Before Feb 1950

Swedish Engineer/ Leiner in Karaganda


Swedish diplomat arrested by the Soviets and taken out of Hungary.”

April 1950

Grossheim-Krisko, Trandafilo

Lefortovo to Butyrka

100-110 prisoners transported at that time and he was ‘convinced’ that Raoul  Wallenberg was among them.

Early 1950s

A. Schweider, Karl Kraemer


Does not remember being with a Swede but recognized RW from his photograph.

Early 1950s

Three cellmates/ Gustav Richter


Shared a single cell with RW.

Oct-Nov 1950

S. A. Stepanov

Small house East Moscow[10]

“Swede” Wallenberg

New Year 1951[11]

Zoltan Rivo, Mogens Carlsson


“Diplomat who was Swedish.” Wallenberg had been intensely interrogated, yet given special treatment such as extra rations and cigarettes, taken to be shaved which surprised Rivo as most prisoners were cut bald by a machine.  Then diplomat was given civilian clothes, the next day gone.


L. Volleh




Schmieder, von Mutius


Sat with a Russian who, immediately before, had sat with a Swedish diplomat so ill they had taken him away to the sick cell.

Feb. 1952

Soviet Official/De Latry


We have a Swedish Ambassador here [who is much worse off than you.]”

Feb-July 1952

H.Georg Mueller

Hospital Section, Lubyanka (=Butyrka)

Swede, not as sick as himself.


Karolyi Remenyi

Moscow Prisons

In 1952 Wallenberg brought back to Moscow where he was interrogated in relation to the Anti-Fascist trials.


Horvath per Ardai/Libik

Moscow prisons

Horvath had knocking contact with a man who claimed to be RW. Asked Horvath to notify Swedish authorities when he got out.  Ardai told the story to Libik whom he met in a Budapest hospital after his release.[12]

Jan. 1961

Dr. Myasnikov, Dr. Nanna Svartz

Medical or Psychiatric Facility, Moscow Region

Raoul Wallenberg, “not in very good shape.”


C. A. Stoner, Yuri Belov

Butyrka Prison, (or Hospital?)

Held with Wallenberg for a few days and very pleased to be able to speak to someone in English.[13]


Greville Wynne, See Makinen[14]

Roof of Lubyanka

A foreigner shouting “Taxi!” to summon the elevator to the exercise yard.


Testimony via Solzhenitsyn

Closed Psychiatric Ward, Moscow State University

“Olaf Oldenberg.” Elderly Swede who had been there for quite some time. Forced to teach Swedish to members of the Security Services.


Albert Hollosy (the nurse Katya)

26-28 Sebastapolsky Prospekt. Psycho- Number 13. Neurological Clinic

Wallenberg,” “Raoul” “The Swede.”

Late 1982

Pavlov/Bjertnes Linnander

Villa on Outskirts

Wallenberg reportedly died here.

Early 90s


(Church grapevine) Closed Community South of Moscow

Elderly Swede



[1] See testimony of Daniel Kopelyansky to the Working Group in which he states that he heard ‘immediately after the War that Raoul Wallenberg was held as a numbered prisoner.  He does not acknowledge his own role as his interrogator, in spite of the fact that his name appears in the registries next to Wallenberg’s on several occasions.


[2] Gertsovsky was in charge of Department A which consistently handled prolongation of investigation periods, reporting of jurisdiction for a particular prisoner or preparation for transport.  We will assume from Solovov’s statement that this packet applied to one of the three. 


[3] Please note that according to proceedings of the conference on Problems related to Prisoners of War held in Volgoda in 1997 the body of Colonel General Gilbert (nationality unknown)was sent from Butyrka to Camp 27 on order from the head of the GUPVI MVD USSR, M. S. Krivenko dated January 31, 1947.  Gilbert had died on January 30th in Moscow but the death and burial acts were made as if for a prisoner who died in the sick ward of the camp.  Laslo Deshe, Major General of Hungary and Hungarian military attaché in Moscow before the War died after night interrogations in Butyrka, his body was brought to the special hospital in Liublino, an affiliate of Camp 27, where according to the death certificate the General died in Krasnogorsk sick-ward as a patient after his arrival from Butyrka.  K. Murakami, Japanese Lt. General died after night interrogations in Butyrka, was brought from Butyrka hospital to Krasnogorsk sanitary department where, according to the death act, Murakami died in Krasnogorsk sick ward as a patient on arrival from Butyrka.  This does not seem to be applicable in the case of Roedl (or at least Krasnogorsk was not cooperating by providing a death act from its sick ward).  However we now know that had Wallenberg died in the course of “night interrogations” or extreme measures, this procedure was already in existence to cover the trail.  The question to be pursued is whether or not Gilbert, Deshe and Murakami had already been registered as prisoners at Krasnogorsk Camp 27, so that their return did not require a questionnaire and a lot of intake paper work.  If so, their death in the sick ward could be processed in keeping with the normal sequence of their file.  Roedl, to the best of my knowledge had no prior connection to Camp 27 Krasnogorsk.


[4] For description, see Rosenfeld.  Raoul Wallenberg. Page 184.

[5] Ostrov had told his niece, Rebecca Ilyich who met Stein in 1972, that when the prison was closed, most of the prisoners were sent to the Volga Region.


[6] A report to the Swedish Foreign Ministry stated that there were three Swiss and one Swede in Vladimir.  Although Aestrom suggested that the Swede was Leuvenhaupt, De Latry – who had knocking contact with him in Lefortovo -- did not believe that Leuvenhaupt ever was in Vladimir.  (See also Vladimir list).


[7] While it has been presumed that Schoggl made up this story when he read of the arrest of Wennerstrom in the newspaper in 1963-64, he is said to have presented it to a Swedish representative as early as 1956.  His excitement in his trip to Paris is that his testimony had been justified by the recent current events.


[8] As Di Mohr’s contacts with Wallenberg were only in Lefortovo they must have begun rather in late May 1945.


[9] Described as a little over 40 years old, 176-178 cm tall, dark hair, emaciated but otherwise in relatively good

physical condition. 

[10] According to Stepanov who then worked in the Archives of the 1st Main Directorate, Wallenberg had been brought from Vladimir Prison to this small house in East Moscow where attempt was being made to recruit him at the orders of Beria.  Stepanov states that when the file he saw was returned, it had written there “K.M. niet” – (No compromising materials.


[11] Zoltan Rivo’s file shows none of this Moscow and prison cell movements until just before his sentencing and transport into exile.  However, we know from FSB that he was part of the group to have been transferred to Butyrka in late March/early April 1950 so the other date I have seen – New Year’s 1949 cannot be accurate.  Carlsson claims that he was with Rivo in a cell in Butyrka one month later when Rivo told him this story.  Although Rivo was released, he was never found to be interviewed.


[12]  Susanne Berger has seen in the SAEPO files confirmation of this report directly from S. Ardai.  (Libik gives the name as “Dardei” which is incorrect.


[13] One version gives the date as 1961; the other 1962-63.


[14]  Greville Wynne who had been a cellmate of Makinen’s in Vladimir told him of this incident.  He was uncertain however of the native language of the speaker at that time and only later identified the person as having been Swedish.